Cedar and Max's Litter born October 2, 2013! Watch Them Grow!
Raspberry Woods Red Elligance - "Ellie Mae" is between 9 and 11 weeks in these pictures. She has joined our family here.
Sunny is pictured at his new home enjoying the snow, a warm rug and makes a perfect present under the Christmas Tree!
Georgette is loving the snow in her new home in Utah!
Jillian seems quite comfortable in her new home!
Jillian romps with her best friend, Joon.
These are pictures of Lucy. Chris wrote, "I've been long overdue in letting you know how much we love Lucy. She is playful, lovable, comical, affectionate, smart, and beautiful. She keeps us smiling and brings us great joy. She is doing well with housebreaking, going to the door and barking when she needs to (or wants to!!) go out. She has adjusted well to her crate and will go in during the day on her own for a rest. She loves her toys and is very playful, loves chasing her ball and is learning to catch it in the air. She knows sit, down, and come and we begin obedience classes tomorrow. I'm sure she will graduate with honors :-) She has personality traits that each of our other 2 poodles had...she loves the warmth of the fireplace that Sophie did and is a cuddler like Maddie was. We are so grateful that we visited you that day last summer. Lucy is everything we could want. She is loved! Thank you ."

Jillian at 5 months of age
Wow! Beautiful Jillian at 6 months
Beautiful Lucy at 6 months!
Adorable Daphne between 5 and 6 months
Sunny is looking fancy with his new hair cut at 6 months of age!
This is Sunny with his summer cut at about 10 months.
Jillian trying out the water!
Beautiful red Georgette at 10 months
Ellie Mae at 8 months
Mary and Toni take Jillian and Sophie hiking.
Our Red Ellie Mae at 5 months
Beautiful red Ellie Mae at one year
Lucy one year: what a cute face!
Lucy one year: Gorgeous!